Greenhouse Planting Parties
Planting parties are an enjoyable way to spend a few hours and get a jumpstart on your beautiful plants and flowers for the summer. Our staff will help you select your own unique plant combinations from our extensive product line. You can learn more about colour, compatibility, sun versus shade. Exciting new varieties and plant care.

Our guidelines for private planting parties are:
The time can be booked weekends or early evenings when we are open 7 days a week in the Spring (usually following Earth Day).
Parties can be from one to fifteen people.
Participants may bring their own pots (must be clean of dirt) or purchase pots or containers at the greenhouse.
Soil is charged at .50/inch of the diameter of the pot (includes a fertilizer). Pots over 18” diameter may be subject to a surcharge.
Plants are purchased at greenhouse prices.
A grow and care fee of $20/person will be charged to keep your containers to be picked up after the May long weekend.
Email to book your private planting party today.