We live here. We grow here.
Naked Greens is more than just our name, it is also a commitment to our customers, our community, and ourselves. More than just the colour of the delicious, nutritious fresh vegetables we produce, green is the colour of sustainability and environmental responsibility. We believe that food is the future of greenhousing, and greenhouses are the future of food. Our commitment is to ensure that on the long road ahead, and always taking positive and responsible steps towards a sustainable food future.
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A step toward local sustainability
Buying locally produced food creates jobs in Alberta. It’s that simple. Not only does diversifying the types of food grown locally step Alberta toward a self-sustaining food supply, but it also helps us toward economic sustainability.

Our store
4916 45 Street, Bruderheim, AB
Monday to Friday: 9 am - 7 pm
Saturday: 9 am - 5 pm
Sunday: 12 pm - 5 pm
Onsite order pickup and retail shopping.
Fort Saskatchewan Satellite Store
Now open!
10004 99 Avenue, Fort Saskatchewan, AB
Located conveniently in the Co-op parking lot
Retail shopping.